
Yoga Touchstone
by N. Sjoman and H. V. Dattatreya

This book came after The Yoga Tradition of the Mysore Palace and is an examination of the place of contemporary yoga in the light of the tradition.

160 pages
101 pages of photographic prints
ISBN 0-9736162-0-2

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Price:  $50.00CA

Dead Birds
by N. Sjoman & H.V. Dattatreya

This book adds a commentary of original Sanskrit texts to Yoga Touchstone. It includes a DVD of a backbend practice showing asanas in movement itself.

160 pages
8 colour plates
Accompanying DVD
ISBN 0-9736162-2-9

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Price $50CA

by N. Sjoman

This book looks at the yoga tradition through the framework of the Yogasutra text.  It brings material from a thousand years before the yoga sutras and material from a thousand years after.  It gives a view of the tradition as a whole and contains many insights from traditional scholars.

410 pages on acid free recycled paper.
ISBN 978-0-9736162-4-8

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Price $50CA

artists in mysore
by Naramani Somanath

This book is a exposition of the works of a number of artists in Mysore in the 1980’s, the predecessors of the contemporary artists.

154 pages
28 colour pictures
Accompanying CD
ISBN 0-9736162-1-0

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Price:  $35.00CA

art…the dark side
by N. Sjoman

This book tells the story of master artists from India, Canada, the Netherlands and one from Uruquay.  It contains a CD with samples of their work.

239 pages
8 colour plates
Accompanying CD
ISBN 978-0-9736162-3-1

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Price $50CA